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Partner acrobatic weekend

con Tiko Venne e Judith Krammel



10-11 MARZO 2018

h. 10-12:30 / 14:00 - 17:00


Workshop di mano a mano con Tiko Venne e Judith Krammel


Per la prima volta in Italia, abbiamo il piacere e l'onore di ospitare due grandi artisti circensi ed acrobati: Tiko Venne e Judith Krammel!


Un intero weekend di partner acrobatic workshop, in cui lavoreremo su diverse modalità di handstand, hand to hand, foot to hand e molto altro... sia l-base che standing base, ponendo particolare attenzione ai tempi, al respiro e all’ascolto della coppia.


Saranno proposte diverse sequenze e non mancheranno nuovi tricks e giochi acrobatici ;-)



sabato e domenica 10-12:30 / 14-17:00


Early bird entro il 25 febbraio

80 euro workshop intero

50 euro una sola giornata

dopo il 25 febbraio

90 euro workshop intero

60 euro una sola giornata

tessera associativa Ululì e assicurativa CSEN obbligatoria (15 euro)



Growing up in the Netherlands Tiko Venne has been doing circus starting at the age of 8 when his parents introduced him to acrobatics. He graduated from circus school in Brussels in 2001 and has been touring in Europe with various different shows of his Compagnie Rêve2 for the passed 14 years. He specializes in partner acrobatics and hand balancing and experiments in combining his specialties with contact inprovisation.

Tiko will be teaching together with Judith Krammel from Vienna who has been training partner acrobatics intensively for the passed 4 years focusing mainly on basic techniques and hand balancing. She's also one of the three organizers of the Austrian Acrobatics Convention.

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